
Health · Information Technology


51-200 employees



founded in


Doktuz is a Peru-based social enterprise that seeks to transform incentive systems in the healthcare industry by making preventive medicine standard practice. This, since the current health care business model is based on disease rather than prevention. Only 0.16% of the population uses prevention services, while +100M people cannot overcome their state of poverty given their health spending of up to 30% per month. Thus, prevention makes it possible to increase people's productive lives, increasing their income generation potential and their livelihoods and development in general. Through a B2B2C business model that maximizes the potential of occupational medicine for preventive exams, technology and innovation, Doktuz has democratized access to healthcare through company-funded Occupational Medical Exams. They have consulted 275K patients since 2015 with an average of 2.5K per month (where 80% are low income and only 8% had private insurance) with free health services (paid by the company in full).

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